"Many thanks for putting this site together"
"I have just stumbled across your site and felt I needed to write to you.
My wife has, for some time suffered from depression to the point of considering suicide a couple of years ago. She has undergone counselling, taken courses of antidepressants, had long spells off work etc. etc. etc.
Things would seem to be almost OK for a while then she would lapse back. Over the last couple of weeks both of us have noticed the telltale signs that another spell is on it's way so I have been having a look on the internet to see if I can find anything to help.Your site is a breath of fresh air to me!!
At last someone has a deep understanding of what is going on. I am at work at the moment and have just followed your learning path. I can't wait to get home and show it to my wife.
Many thanks for putting this site together, I really feel it will help.
I will let you know how we get on."