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About Clinical (Major) Depression

Clinical, or major depression is the world's No. 1 mental disorder, the 2nd most disabling condition in the world behind heart disease. And it's growing at an alarming rate. (2)

Depression facts are important - understanding how clinical depression works is the first step towards beating it. After that we will look at what research says are the best way to get rid of depression, and keep it away.


The Purpose of this Site

"The most sensible way to lower rates of depression is… spread accurate information among the general public about what depression is"

Breaking the Cycle of Depression - Joe Griffin & Ivan Tyrrell, The European Therapy Studies Institute

There's so much information out there on clinical depression. Thousands of studies, insights into the causes, symptoms, methods o\f testing, biological causes and effects and so on...

Unfortunately, this is rarely made available in a straightforward way to those who need it most; those suffering from depression. That is the aim of


Depression Information that Helps

If you or someone you know is suffering from clinical depression, you've probably read and heard many unhelpful myths and half truths, causing confusion and feelings of helplessness. Statements such as "it's in your genes", "it's a chemical imbalance" or worst of all "once you've got depression, you've got it for life." None of these are true. (3)

"Depression cannot be described any longer as a simple disorder of the brain"

Institute of Psychiatry (UK)

Most drug treatments assume this, mainly because they are so poor in preventing relapse. Yet there are other therapies for depression, that act just as quickly, and are much more effective at beating depression for good. By understanding the cycle of depression, it's possible to recognize what causes the symptoms of depression before they appear. With the right approach, you can beat depression for good.

Recent research shows that what you think clinical depression is, actually has an effect on how effective the treatment will be. This is so important it stands repeating: "What you think depression is affects how effective the treatment will be". If you suffer from depression, it is essential that you remember that.

So it's vitally important to get a good understanding of clinical depression, not just the symptoms, or the causes, but what clinical depression actually is.

This site pulls together all the important aspects - and show you the best way to get help with depression. The authors of the site are practising therapists and researchers, treating clinical depression on a day-to-day basis with great success and training others to do the same.


Understanding Clinical Depression

  • Depression is a psychological disorder, so why do depressed people have physical symptoms, especially exhaustion?
  • Why do depressed people dream 3 times more than non-depressed people?

Recent breakthroughs in psychology, neurobiology, and psychotherapy are finally piecing together the picture to give us a clear understanding of all the aspects of depression. Like never before, we can begin to answer some of the questions that have been puzzling many people about the normal explanations given regarding clinical depression.

  • Why do some people suffer from depression while others don't?
  • If clinical depression is defined as " a sad mood or loss interest that persist for more than 2 weeks" then why is it so much more than feeling sad for a long period of time?

To answer these questions, we can being by looking at the thinking styles that are shared by all people suffering from clinical depression.

Find out why many clinical depression sufferers are exhausted all the time, and why they dream up to 3 times more than non-sufferers.

Understanding the cycle of depression allows us to find out why there are physical effects to what is called a mental illness: how the negative emotions caused by depressive thinking styles begin to affect our biology, as well as how we actually perceive the world.


Beating Clinical Depression - Now, and For Good

Beating clinical depression isn't just about understanding why it's there. Its about you feeling better quickly and having relief from those horrible symptoms of depression.

  • Therapy - Does it really work? Which types should you avoid?
  • Antidepressants - Which types work best? - Are they suitable for long term use? - How do they actually work?

Knowing how to get rid of depression is a lot more important than knowing what caused it, but if you follow the Depression Learning Path, you should know that too.


Alternative Therapies For Depression

Getting help with depression is about beating it now, and stopping it coming back. It's about being able to live without worrying about it returning.

From research backed by the US government, we'll lead you through what are effective types of therapy for lifting clinical depression, as well which types are not effective. We list the key elements that are present in effective therapies, and compare how they work, as well as how effective they are compared to depression medication.



If you're taking or considering taking depression medication, there are important things you need to know.

"Regarding depression as 'just' a chemical imbalance wildly miscon- strues the disorder. It is not possible to explain either the disease or its treatment based solely on levels of neurotransttttmitters," says Yale University neurobiologist Ronald Duman, PhD
Hara Estroff Marano
Psychology Today
March, 1999

Yet this is exactly how antidepressants purport to work - by treating levels of neurotransmitters. By understanding how antidepressants work, we can see how they treat a symptom of depression, not the root of the depression, and are therefore ineffective in one to two thirds of sufferers.

We also now know another reason that antidepressants sometimes work, thanks to a recent discovery in the field of dream research, which we go into later in the Clinical Depression Learning Path.

This also explains why antidepressants have such a high rate of relapse, compared to other effective therapies for depression.

However, we are not 'anti-drugs'. We simply want to ensure everyone has access to accurate information so they can make the best choice for themselves.

FREE: How Depression Works Email Course If it seems like nothing good has ever happened...Remember that depression affects the way you recall memo.


1.Teasdale, J. D. et al. (2000) Prevention of relapse/recurrence in major clinical depression by mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 4, 615–23. Psychotherapy Versus Medication for Depression: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom With Data - David O. Antonuccio and William G. Danton, University of Nevada School of Medicine and Reno Veterans Affairs Medical Center Garland Y. DeNelsky, Cleveland Clinic Foundation

2.1. Seligman, M. E. P. (1990) Learned Optimism. Pocket Books, New York.

3. Papermaster, D. (1995) Necessary but insufficient. Nature Medicine, 1, 874–5.


Take the Clinical Depression Learning Path and discover:

  • Why depressed people feel exhausted so much of the time and what causes other symptoms
  • What the best types of therapy or counseling are for depression, and how to choose a good counselor
  • How therapy and counseling compares to drug treatments for depression
  • The latest understanding of what depression actually is
  • What you can do today to start feeling better
Take the Depression Learning Path »